“Terre certe”  A study of the evolutionary dynamics of the landscape

In collaboration with: Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali. Direzione Generale per il paesaggio, le belle arti, l’Architettura e l’Arte Contemporanee – Società Geografia Italiana
PI: Professor Margherita Azzari
Researcher: Dott.ssa Paola Zamperlin

Feasibility project concerning the identification of informative layers, at the national level, necessary to the integration of currently available knowledge which is useful towards the safeguarding and planning of the landscape.  It aims at supporting landscape planning activities conducted by the Section IV of the General Directorate, by the Regional Directorates and by the Superintendencies for the archaeological and architectural heritage and by the Superintendencies for the archaeological heritage of the Ministry for cultural heritage and activities, and by the Regions.