Margherita Azzari

Geographer, full professor in the Department of History, Archaeology, Geography, Art and Performing Arts, University of Firenze, is an author of studies on geography of environment, landscape and cultural heritage, geography of population and mobility, historical geography, history of cartography, didactic studies in geography, Remote Sensing and GIS applied to different fields of interest.

Member of the principal Italian geographical societies: Association of Italian Geographers (Associazione dei Geografi Italiani, AGeI), Italian Geographical Society (Società Geografica Italiana, SGI, vicepresident), Italian Association of Cartography (Associazione Italiana di Cartografia, AIC, member of the board) and Italian Association of Geography Teachers (Associazione Italiana Insegnanti di Geografia, AIIG, president of Tuscany).

Teacher in Geography and GIS. President of the School of Humanities and Education. Coordinator of the Interdepartmental University Master – 2nd level – in Geotechnologies for the monitoring and management of the territory at the University of Florence. Scientific responsible of LabGeo (Applied Geography Laboratory). LabGeo is member of the Join Lab AGJL with ESRI Italia.

Director of the Italian Geographic Society Bullettin (International Journal); member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Italian Cartography Association Journal; Scientific Director of the Series “Geographica” and “Studies of Applied Geography”. Member of the Italian Geographic Society Editorial Board.

Bibliographic production (200 titles,

Principal investigator for several national and international projects (link)

Head of Lab / Director